Mantras & Meditation Teachers Training
100 Hours
“ Meditation is the constant observation of your mind”- Swami Sivananda
Currently we are continuing to deliver all our 100 hours Meditation Teachers training ONLINE
We offer 100-hours Meditation teacher training and online meditation courses in India designed for practitioners who want to share the art of meditation and its benefits with the world. Our Meditation courses in India are thorough and highly comprehensive for existing Yoga teachers, holistic coaches, spiritual guides, and also for beginners seeking to deepen their practice and enter the vast subject of mind and its relationship with Meditation.

Experience and explore deeper states of meditation through a variety of Techniques and a thorough theoretical understanding of Meditation with our best meditation teacher training in India. Get our online meditation course to acquire your certification and lead Meditation sessions, workshops and your own Meditation retreats. During our 100 hours Meditation Teachers training; you will experience and be taught techniques based on many important concepts, while investigating the psychology behind our physical body, mental body and the casual spiritual body.
Although very flexible in body, we often struggle with the rigidity of our minds. It is, in fact, the most challenging practice and reflects in our everyday life affecting behaviours and decision-making. We bring the best meditation teacher training in India to you that is designed to be the jewel in the crown of every seeker curious to understand and practice meditation in depth. We will be covering the ancient and contemporary techniques of Meditation and their subtle effects on the human mind, psychology, and energy system.

Through our online Meditation teachers training in India, you will learn a variety of Guided, Active, and Passive forms of meditations from ancient practises of Tibetan, Sufi, Vedantic, Zen, Buddhist and the ancient Vigyan Bhairav traditions. This online Meditation training also explores Meditation practises using various natural elements such as the Full moon, Five elements, Light, Sounds and Colour meditation. During the training the participants are also guided on How to hold Meditation classes /workshops /Retreats, How to motivate and create group energy, and Business ethics to hold your sessions with empathy and compassion, while abiding by the teachings of Yamas and Niyamas.
One of the highlights of our 100 hours Meditation Teachers training is the foundational theory of Yogic Philosophy that is taught to students and an ice breaker to understand that actually the practise of Yoga is deeply connected with Meditation. And that mastering of Meditation in-fact is Yoga practised and mastered in its highest form.
“Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.” -David Lynch
You want to connect deeper with yourself, using our natural tools; the Body, breathe and the mind.
You have a calling to start your journey as a Meditation Teacher and practitioner.
You would like a vast exposure into a variety of ancient and contemporary Meditation techniques.
You would like to do a self analysis and reflect deeply into your Thoughts, Habitual patterns, conditionings and complexes and transmute them through self enquiry and Meditative practises.
- Comprehensive theory and practical training on Meditation and its effects on mind, body, psychology, emotions, and energy system.
- Practise of variety of more than 20 ancient and contemporary meditation techniques. Immersion through foundational understanding of Yoga sutras, Tantra Vigyan, Zen & Buddhist techniques, Chakra system, Sounds, 5 elements, Mantra system, Breath-work and techniques from traditions around the world.
- Insight into KUNDALINI shakti and meditative techniques to channelise this divine energy through Sounds, mantras and Breath-work.
- Business ethics and theory to design and conduct your own Meditation sessions of various lengths, with practical guidance to hold short 1 hour sessions, 1 day workshops or week long Meditation retreats.
- Backstage aspects on how to profile your students, how to create group bonding and energy, motivate people, and usage of the various techniques accordingly.
- A Yoga Alliance certification to help you smoothly start your journey as a Meditation Teacher.
2nd – 11th Jan ‘ 2023
6th – 15th Feb ‘ 2023
20th – 29th Mar ‘ 2023
Venue: TantraLoka Retreat Centre
FEES :950 €
Currently our Meditation Teachers Training course is taking place in person as well as ONLINE with LIVE sessions contact hours every weekend, along with offline sessions non contact hours given as self practise to complete this 100 hours Meditation certification.
Currently we are offering our Meditation Teachers training ONLINE too, with LIVE sessions contact hours every weekend, along with offline sessions non contact hours given as self practise to complete this 100 hours Meditation certification.
Please write to us at info for registrations