Life coaching
“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles ” – Buddha
Sonam has put together her years of experience as a spiritual coach to launch her online life coaching sessions.
Every human is in search of continuous growth and fulfilment while adapting to various life situations. This personal need to evolve is deeply spiritual and we often find ourselves looking for the right answers and meaning in every experience we encounter.
In this quest, we get identified and entangled in our past stories, mind narratives, conditioning, beliefs and perceptions that we perceive either as good or bad. This complexity can sometimes become a hindrance in living our full potential.
Hence awareness is the antidote and a key source that helps us free this stagnant life energy and shed light into our old habitual patterns, fear, phobias, complexes and help cultivate new ways of approaching them.

If you want to see the change, Be the change” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
We are living in an era of materialistic abundance but truly lack the ability to explore our inner abundance. The word ‘Spiritual’ can often be misunderstood but in Yogic language it has a wholesome meaning and represents the abundance in the three dimensions of our existence. Totality of the physical body, emotional and mental experiences and the third body that witnesses these experiences.
Often we make choices that are ego and sensory driven, which only brings temporary contentment, leaving the mind quickly bored looking for new forms of stimulation.
These dynamic coaching sessions of online life coaching will use a combination of powerful life coaching techniques and mindfulness sessions that will help us see our life situations from a new found perspective.
90 mins one to one personal coaching on Zoom

Mindfulness session at the end of every coaching, individually tailored as an insight tool for you.
Recorded online sessions that can be accessed anytime.
Support through various online mediums like email or Whatsapp voicemail, messages etc.
Weekly assignment and action plan to bring the online coaching sessions into real life practise.
Currently we are taking limited booking per month as Sonam believes it is one to one energy sharing and needs to be traded consciously. If you are her ex student and have had a session with her earlier, you will be taken on priority.
Please keep in mind that Life coaching is very different than clinical therapy and taken mostly for personal growth.
Please send an enquiry via email: before booking your sessions.
SKETCH your life objectives and implement a powerful vision towards personal growth plan.
TAP into your hidden goals and learn new ways of nourishing its need.
UNDERSTAND your old patterns, especially of procrastination and learn to implement Self discipline.
CONQUER old mindset and anxiety through various Mindfulness techniques and new found Will power.
LIVE a life of balance and harmony with others and most importantly with yourself.

Single Session Coaching
One basic personal chat with Meditation at the end of the session-
one to one
90 minutes
6 Sessions
Understand your Life goals and work on the various strategy for self transformation-
one to one
90 minutes each
12 Sessions Package
Breakthrough your Limitations and empower yourself and others in your life-
one to one
90 minutes each